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Filmmaking Future
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  Script Writers
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Script Writers

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By Registering at My Next Film,
you will be entitled to







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Bring Your Life-story To Silver Screen

Premise's Pool

A Premise Posted in Premise Pool Is For Perpetuity!

In the Premise Pool, The Premise Posted By You Gets AI-Generated Brainstorming Points Which Assists You To Develop A Script Based On The Premise.

The Mynextfilm Community Also Comments On Your Premise And The Script Gradually Develops In An Interactive Manner.

Of course, you can connect with other users who like your idea and plan collaborative projects.

You can even read the premises posted by other users in any language by converting them to your preferred language.

Script Builder

Screenplay Is a Self-Contained Technical Document!

The Screenplay audit facility in the script builder ensures that your screenplay is in international formats and confirms to industry standards.

In the Scriptpad, you can write your Screenplay, import beats and get AI-generated scenes on them and even import Stories after transforming into Screenplay.

On the script pad, you can write your screenplay in 25 languages through the online language keyboard.

The current status of the screenplay on 18 different parameters is available to you in realtime and you can even maintain your to do list.

Screenplay Conversion

Scriptwriters Breach The Language Barrier!

In the Conversion Studio, You can translate the Action Lines and Dialogues of your Screenplay in 100+ different languages and write them in 27 different scripts.

You can choose different Languages and Scripts for Action Lines and dialogues and even generate a Dual Dialogue Screenplay.

You can also convert your books and PowerPoint presentations into all these languages.

Pitchdeck Creation

Impact Of Listening Is Far More Than That Of Reading!

In the Narration Room, you can generate a catchy AV Pitch Deck of your script and build a one pager.

Narration Room also generates an Audio Visual rendering of the Screenplay Analysis, Character Introduction and Line-by-line Narration in which different characters deliver their dialogues in distinct and appropriate voices.

Screenplay Narration

Impact Of Listening Is Far More Than That Of Reading!

After an screenplay is commissioned for production, it’s Audio Visual Line-by-line Narration can be generated in which characters deliver their dialogues in distinct and appropriate voices while the text flows on computer screen.

The Screenplay narration Also includes An audio visual Characters Introduction Which can be sent to the casting director for selecting the artists.

The Screenplay narration Also includes Characterwise audio visual narrations Which can be sent to the artists for reference and Rehearsal.

Harkat Club

Filmmaking Is a Collaborative Activity!

MNF invites you to join or set up and administer a real life filmmaking club in your city, town or neighbourhood.

MNF supports the Harkat Clubs to make and showcase their films.

MNF also refers filmmaking related opportunities and assignments to the appropriate Harkat Club.

Project Center

Making a Film Is Taking Thousands Of Interdependent Decisions!

Project Center schedules every minutest activity required for making your film and allocates optimum budget for each activity.

You have the freedom to add, delete, split, merge activities, and change their duration.

The budget allocation is under different major and minor heads and you have the freedom to change them as per your preferences and requirements.

Subtitle Hub

Your Videos, Our Subtitles, Endless Possibilities!

In Subtitle Hub, you can create and translate subtitles with ease, as well as refine yourself or have them reviewed by language experts.

The platform provides a versatile space for subtitling enthusiasts and professionals alike.

You can generate and translate subtitles of a wide range of content, from movies and TV shows to online videos and presentations.

Subtitling Hub is your one-stop destination for all your subtitling needs.

Viewing Lounge

The 'Break' Is Not a Matter Of Luck Alone!

In the Viewing Lounge, you can upload your Showreel and completed films for viewing by relevant people.

You can also create and post your Video Introduction for the interested audience.

You can also watch the video and links posted by others and connect with them.

Naturally, someone liking your introduction and post may offer you an assignment or a 'BREAK'.

Forthcoming Events

Monetize Your Creativity
through AI aided Script Writing

Online Events Illustration

Click On An Event To Join

Running figures illustration

Joining {Event Name}

on {Event Date} in {Language} by {Presenter}

From {Start Time} to {End Time} {Time Zone}

${foundEvent.heading || "No heading available"}

About the Event :- ${foundEvent.about || "No description available"}

I got to know about {Event Name} through -

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